Intuitive Expressionism Art


Intuitive Art also called Intuitive Abstract Art, is the practice of using your intuition to respond to the canvas, both as an artist and as a viewer. I like to think of Intuitive Art as a two-part process, which I will explain more about soon.  First, I would like to share the meaning of Intuitive Art.  What makes a piece of art “intuitive”? In traditional art such as realism, an artist often starts with an end goal in mind. Many sketch out an outline of the painting onto the canvas before they ever begin.  Another popular practice is to use a photograph of what the artist intends to paint, as a guide throughout the painting process. Realism is very much focused on the end-result, or outcome of the canvas.  In comparison, Intuitive Art is exactly the opposite. The artist starts with nothing in mind.  The goal is to focus on the process, rather than the outcome.  This leaves the artist just as surprised at the end as the viewer.  Rather than making a loose sketch of what is to be created, the artist simply begins by making marks on the canvas.  Once the first marks are there, the artist then responds “intuitively” to figure out how to react next.  Whatever colors, shapes or mediums that call to the artist most strongly in that particular moment, are what he or she will use for the next steps.  

Most Intuitive Art involves lots of layers and potentially lots of different mediums, which allows it to sometimes fall under the Mixed Media category. 


Expressionism is an art type, style, and movement that emphasizes subjective feeling in its works. This contrasts with other painting styles of the late 19th century that put an emphasis on objectivity and realism. Expressionism art, therefore, was both a rejection and reaction of more realist styles. It was also a reaction of the changing world these early 20th century artists were witnessing.

Characteristics of expressionism:
  • Emphasizing subjective feeling and emotion in art
  • Showcase how a feeling vs how it is in reality
  • Disregard for realism showing things as they are

For Abstract Intuitive Expressionism, Zozo focuses more on a process, whatever color, shape or media most attracts his attention at a particular moment, that is what he will use for the next step. Often ignoring realism which shows things as they are, he often creates natural objects, plants and living creatures that emphasize subjective feelings and emotions in his artwork. Zozo really admires the impasto technique and he often applies it to several objects, a painting technique where the paint is layered very thickly on the canvas so that the direction of the strokes is very easy to see. The paint used can also be mixed on the canvas. When dry, the impasto technique will produce a clear texture, so that the impression of the object’s presence is more pronounced.

Contemporary Art

Contemporary abstract painting is a type of abstract painting that combines several painting methods, such as Fluid Painting, Palette Painting, and brush techniques. The resulting paintings have varying properties and characters depending on wishes. In making contemporary abstract paintings, Zozo in his artwork often adapts to his desires and feelings to create abstract paintings.

Zozo is an artist from Central Java. His interest in art began in childhood, and at the 4th grade of elementary school, he began to paint. Zozo is a nickname, he is better known by his nickname until now while his official name is Sholeh. Zozo won his first art show when he was still in elementary school, and had time to sell his sketches to his friends, during middle school his art was exhibited at the BNN Brebes Office with the theme of anti-drugs by winning the show, he also had time to sell handmade works with canvas shoes based on acrylic painting and was collected by several Collectors while still in college.

Artist statement:

I love contemporary abstract and intuitive expressionism, I felt the idea come to in my mind. Whether it’s the type of scene or image completely abstract. I was fascinated by whimsical patterns, curved lines, characteristic dots, blending and meaningful colors. I also really admire the impasto technique and how it is often applied to several objects, a painting technique where the paint is layered very thickly on the canvas so that the direction of the stroke is very easy to see. The paint used can also be mixed on the canvas. When dry, the impasto technique will produce a clear texture, so that the impression of the object’s presence is more pronounced. I feel blessed to have had the time to look so deeply into the life around me and hope to share those feelings with you through my paintings.